Rocky Handsome is an upcoming 2016 Indian action thriller film directed by Nishikant Kamat. It features John Abraham and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles while Nishikant Kamat and Sharad Kelkar appear in crucial supporting roles. It is a loose adaptation of the 2010 Korean film The Man from Nowhere. John is co-producing this film under his home banner John Abraham Entertainment with Sunir Khetrapal’s Azure Entertainment
Rocky Handsome is an upcoming 2016 Indian action thriller film directed by Nishikant Kamat. It features John Abraham and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles while Nishikant Kamat and Sharad Kelkar appear in crucial supporting roles. It is a loose adaptation of the 2010 Korean film The Man from Nowhere. John is co-producing this film under his home banner John Abraham Entertainment with Sunir Khetrapal’s Azure Entertainment